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September 21, 1999

September 21, 1999

August 30, 1999




DATE: September 21, 1999

TIME: 7:00 P.M.


SUITE 70 Lower Level



The Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board Commissioners are proposing amendments to the language in Sections 4.10(b), 4.12(a) and 2.15 of the Rules and Regulations.

Written comments may be submitted prior to the hearing. Persons wishing to respond should do so by noon Wednesday September 15, 1999, to ensure that the Commissioners have time to consider submissions. Oral testimony will also be taken on the 21st.

Sections 4.10 and 4.12

The Commissioners voted unanimously to put forth the following language on August 3, 1999, which would permit Hearing Officers to apply the "de minimus rule " to excessive rent increases of .5% or less not only due to "rounding" where the landlord has acted in "good faith".

New language is underlined, deletions have a strikethough. The proposed language would amend Sections 4.10(b) and 4.12(a) of the Rules and Regulations to read as follows:


Section 4.10 Notice

(b) "Any rent increase which does not conform with the provisions of this Section shall render the entire rent increase null and void, unless the amount requested equals no more than the allowable annual and banked rent increase(s), provided, however, that in the event such increases have been rounded up in an amount not exceeding one-half of one percent of the prior base rent and there is no systemic pattern of such rounding, Hearing Officers shall readjust the base rent to reflect the proper amounts provided. are given in a good faith effort to comply with the Ordinance and Regulations and do not exceed limitations by more than one-half of one percent of the prior base rent, Hearing Officers shall readjust the base rent to reflect the proper percentage increase."

Section 4.12 Banking

(a) A landlord who refrains from imposing an annual rent increase, or any portion thereof, may accumulate said increase and impose that amount on or after the tenant’s subsequent rent increase anniversary date; however, the rent may be increased only one time every twelve (12) months. This banked amount may only be given at the time of an annual increase. Only those increases which could have been imposed on, or subsequent to, April 1, 1982, may be accumulated. A full 12 months must have elapsed from the date that an annual rent increase, or a portion thereof, could have been imposed before this banking section becomes applicable. Banked increases shall not be compounded and shall not be rounded up; provided, however, that in the event of either compounding or rounding without a systematic pattern and without exceeding one-half of one percent of the base rent, Hearing Officers shall readjust the base rent to reflect the proper banked amounts. that a banked rent increase exceeds limitations by no more than one-half of one percent of the prior base rent and such increase was given in a good faith effort to comply with the Ordinance and Regulations, Hearing Officers shall readjust the base rent to reflect the proper banked amounts."

The Executive Director proposed an adjustment in the Commissioners’ per diem compensation, which has not been changed since the early 1980’s. The new schedule reflects the increased amount of time needed prior to the actual Commission meeting to review appeal considerations and legislation, which have become more lengthy and complicated in the ensuing years. The proposal noted below was voted out for Public Hearing on August 17, 1999.

Section 2.15 Per Diem Compensation

Each member shall receive $75.00 for each Board meeting attended if the meeting lasts for six three hours or more in a single twenty-four hour period, $50.00 if the meeting lasts from two for more than one to three hours in a single twenty-four hour period, and $25.00 if the meeting lasts two one hour(s) or less in a single twenty-four hour period. If a member or the alternate is not in attendance for an entire meeting, compensation shall be determined by reference to the actual aggregate time in attendance the member or alternate was not excused and was acting as a voting member.


Last updated: 10/9/2009 11:26:08 AM