Section 13.10 Reporting of “Approximate Square Footage"
(Adopted July 12, 2022)
For the purpose of the reporting obligations imposed by Ordinance Section 37.15(b)(2)(C), approximate square footage shall be reported in 250 square foot increments as follows: 1-250; 251-500; 551-750; 751-1,000; 1,001-1,250; 1,251-1,500; 1,501-1,750; 1,751-2,000; 2,001-2,250; 2,251-2,500; 2,500+. In the absence of accurate building drawings or other similar data, an owner or manager may rely on any available information to approximate this information to the best of their ability. If approximate information cannot be ascertained, an owner or manager may state that the square footage is unknown and provide an explanation as to why the information is unknown (e.g., the owner/manager is unable to gain access to the unit to take specific measurements).