Rent Board Amends the Rules and Regulations re Housing Inventory Reporting Requirements
After a public hearing on July 12, 2022, the Rent Board’s Rules and Regulations were amended by the Rent Board's Commission to add Part 13, titled “Reporting Obligations Under Rent Ordinance Section 37.15”. Part 13 includes the following new Sections, all to be effective on July 12, 2022:
Section 13.10 (Reporting of "Approximate Square Footage");
Section 13.11 ("Bedroom" and "Bathroom" Defined);
Section 13.12 (Date "Occupancy Commenced");
Section 13.13 (No Penalty for Inadvertent Failure to Report or Accurately Convey Information that is Unknown and Otherwise Unobtainable by Legal Means and Reasonable Efforts), and
Section 13.14 (Licensing - Notice of Rent Increase).