

有兩份文件適用於租務條例的執行。首先是租務條例本身。租務條例是由三藩市監督委員會 (Board of Supervisors) 通過的實際法例。另一份文件是由房屋管理處各委員 (Rent Board Commissioners) 採納的規則。這套規則適用於租務條例的實行方式。兩份文件對於了解有關法律以及法律的詮釋方法都極為重要。

在房屋管理處的辦事處可以買到租務條例和規則 ,售價每本 $4.00 ,郵購每本 $5.50。請將支票連同你想訂購的文件名稱寄往:

The San Francisco Rent Board
25 Van Ness, Suite 320
San Francisco, CA 94102-6033


The Rent Board's version of the Rent Ordinance is not the official record of the laws or regulations of the City and County of San Francisco.

(Note: American Legal is the official publisher of San Francisco's Administrative Codes). 

It is provided for administrative and public convenience only.


The Rent Ordinance- SF Administrative Code, Chapter 37:


The Rent Board Rules & Regulations:

You can purchase a copy of the Rent Ordinance and/or the Rules and Regulations, which are the policies and procedures by which the department implements the Ordinance. We recommend that you obtain both, since the Rules explain how the Ordinance is applied. They are $4.00 each, or $8.00 for both. They are also available by mail for $11.00 for the package, which includes postage. You can send us a check, made payable to the "Rent Board" for $11.00 and we will mail copies to you.


Chapter 37A of the San Francisco Administrative Code (the Rent Board fee):


Chapter 37B of the San Francisco Administrative Code (rent increast limitations for Midtown Park Apartments):




Chapter 49 of San Francisco Administrative Code - Security Deposit Interest on Residential Property:

Chapter 49A of San Francisco Administrative Code - Residential Tenant Communications:


Chapter 12A of the San Francisco Housing Code - Residential Water Conservation:


    Chapter 65A of the San Francisco Administrative Code - Compensation, Or Substitute Housing Service, For Tenants Affected By Temporary Severance Of Specified Housing Services During Mandatory Seismic Work Required By Building Code Chapter 34B:


    Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act: 


    The Ellis Act: 


    The California Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (AB 1482):


    Section 827 of the California Civil Code - Notice of Change in Terms of Tenancy


    Section 1101.5 of the California Civil Code  - Required Residential Water Conservation Devices:


    (Note: American Legal is the publisher of San Francisco's codes of ordinances.